2024-2025 Season Schedule
The HPYO rehearses on Saturday mornings. There are no rehearsals on long weekends.
Term 1 – Runs from September 14 – February 1
Term 2 – Runs from February 8 – June 7
The HPYO rehearses at McMaster University on Saturday mornings | Concert Orchestra: 9:00am – 10:30am Philharmonic Orchestra: 10:45am – 1:00pm |
Admissions Process
The HPYO has an admissions process in place to ensure that players are ready for this stage of their training, and to determine their placement and seating in one of the two orchestras.
We understand that auditioning can be intimidating. Our audition panels work hard to make young musicians feel comfortable and offer encouragement and compassion during the process. For players who are uncomfortable auditioning, but want to have an orchestral experience, we recommend giving TuneUp!, our summer experience a try. Admission to TuneUp! is available without audition.
If you have further questions, please email HPYO General Manager Megan Benjafield at mbenjafield@hpo.org

Tuition Fees | Full Season | Single Term Only |
Concert Orchestra | $450 | $250 |
Philharmonic Orchestra | $750 | $400 |
Both Orchestras | $750 | $400 |
Tuition will not be pro-rated for latecomers.
If you are enrolling multiple musicians from the same household, we offer a $25 sibling discount for each additional player. (The sibling discount applies to an entire season and is not applied per term.)
In addition, players who participated in Tune Up! will receive a $25 reduction in their tuition for the following season.
Financial Aid
The HPO and HPYO strongly believe in creating as few barriers to accessing our programming as possible. As such we offer several ways to alleviate the potential financial impact of tuition.
- Tuition Instalments: Families are more than welcome to pay their tuition in instalments. We can accommodate per term payments or monthly instalments. Contact Megan Benjafield to arrange for a payment instalment plan that works best for you.
- Student Work Program: A limited number of youth musicians will be able to get subsidized tuition by applying for one of our student librarian jobs. Depending on the number of applicants, these may be interviewed positions.
- Bursary Fund: We have a limited amount of funds available for players who demonstrate financial need and a commitment to the ensemble. Bursary applications are made available with the registration package sent to those with a successful audition. Please be prepared to make some financial contribution to the tuition fees.
Late applicants who are in need of financial aid will be given consideration if there are still bursary funds available, or in exceptional circumstances.
Policies and Expectations
The HPYO respects and embraces that all of its members come from a variety of lived experiences. We foster a culture and climate of mutual respect and dignity for all community members regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender identity or ability. It is our expectation that all stakeholders in our organization contribute to this culture of acceptance and inclusion.
Player Rotation:
The HPYO believes strongly that giving players a variety of ensemble experiences is a vital part of orchestral training. As such, many of our sections will have rotating seats from one term to the other, or even within a section during a single term. Players should be prepared for the possibility that they will play in a variety of positions throughout their time in the program.
Punctuality and Attendance:
Orchestra rehearsals work best when all members are present and participating.
It is our expectation that players arrive on time and prioritize attendance at rehearsals. Players who miss a large portion of a term will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine if they are capable of making a positive contribution to the end of term concert.
All players are provided with a music folder and their own copy of the music for each term. Our rehearsal venue provides music stands for player use. In addition, percussion players are provided with instruments on site. These resources come with the expectation that players treat the with respect and dignity and return all materials in good condition.